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Answers to your questions

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As Christians we worship and pray whenever and however we want. We believe that God is not limited to how we pray - God will always listen to us regardless where we are, how we are positioned or when we pray. As long as we call out to him, he will listen. As we look at many examples in the bible we see that great people of God prayed in different ways - Nehemiah sat and prayed (Nehemiah 1:4) , Elisha walked and prayed (2 Kings 4:35), Jesus knelt and prayed (Luke 22:41) and Moses bowed and prayed (Exodus 34:8). As we see here, all these people prayed in different ways but God still heard their prayers. Jesus says in John 4:23 “But the time is coming - indeed it is here now - when true worshippers will worship in spirit and truth. The Father is looking for those who worship him in this way.” Worshipping God comes in different ways, whether we use the gifts that God has blessed us with to worship him (singing, dancing, writing, poetry etc) or whether we just pray, God sees our heart and sees if we are worshipping him in spirit and truth.


Yes, Christians fast. In fact, it’s a very important aspect of our spiritual discipline. A ‘fast’ is abstaining from something - usually food or drink to focus and draw near to God. Fasting is done alongside prayer - this is an essential part of the fast as mentioned in Luke 2:37. Fasting can be done at any time and for a period of time the individual chooses. A popular time for fasting is usually at the start of the year. This is a time where Christians are able to commit the rest of the year into God’s hands and thank God for allowing them to enter the year safely.


We all sin (Romans 3:23). Ultimately we cannot attain eternal life by our own works. We need a Saviour. The Bible teaches us that the only way to heaven is through Jesus (John 14:6). We have to confess and believe that Jesus Christ is our Lord and Saviour and that Jesus died and rose from death -  “If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved” Romans 10:9. However, as a result of our salvation and our faith, we should live a godly life that represents Christ and fulfills the Father’s will (Romans 3:31). Now we have been saved, it is important to do the will of God and continue to do good. As much as we have been saved, God will still judge us according to the things we do on earth (Romans 2:6). We are not saved by our works, we are saved by God’s love but our salvation should bear good works to ensure we remain accessible to eternal life. Matthew 7:21 reminds us “Not everyone who calls out to me “Lord! Lord! Will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Only those who actually do the will of my Father in heaven will enter”.

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